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Friday, April 24, 2009

Assets Protection Mission Statement:
To enhance profitability, the guest experience, and our reputation by minimizing loss and business disruptions and providing secure environments.

-------Store Positions-------

o Target Protection Specialist (TPS, Sr.)-
The TPS position is all about presence. The Law Enforcement-style uniform and Batman belt serve to deter potential shoplifters as well provide peace-of-mind to guests. The Sr. TPS position has the added ability to make apprehensions.

o Assets Protection Specialist (APS, Sr.)-
The APS position is all about External Apprehensions. They wear plain clothes, and are usually exempt from the duties that other AP Team Members may have. The Sr. APS position has the added ability to perform Internal Interviews.

o Assets Protection Team Leader (APTL, APL)-
The APTL is the hourly equivalent of the ETL-AP. APTLs cannot perform Internal Interviews, so the Investigation Center monitors APTL/APL stores closely. A new position, the APL, is exactly the same as the APTL position in all facets, however, they do not have any allotted TPS hours.

o Executive Team Leader – Assets Protection (ETL-AP)-
At one time, the ETL-AP position was the backbone of AP. They could wear plain clothes, and their sole job was to catch Internals and Externals. However, non-HRSP ETL-APs now have to work LOD shifts, during which time they become store-side, and cannot make any AP-related impacts.

o Assets Protection Business Partner (APBP)-
Formerly the District Assets Protection Team Leader (DAPTL). In February 2009, STLs became the immediate supervisors to Assets Protection. The APBP role was modified to reflect that change.

o Group Assets Protection Team Leader (GAPTL)


o Regional Director of Assets Protection

o Vice President of Assets Protection - Brad Brekke

-------Investigation Center (IC) Positions-------

o Investigation Specialist (IS)-
The IS position is similar in many respects to the store-side Sr. APS position. An IS wears plain clothes, and is deployed to stores based on current theft trends in the market. The apprehensions an IS makes should restricted to high-dollar cases, and they also have the ability to perform Internal Interviews. They are not necessarily based out of the IC.

o Investigation Tech (IT)-
Based out of the IC, the Techs are responsible for camera work, investigating losses, communicating market trends (Daily Intelligence Briefings), performing Booster Interviews, and other tasks.

o Investigations Center Operations Leader (ICOL)

o Investigator-
The Investigator position is the direct supervisor to the IS. Investigators deploy the IS to necessary locations, as well as partnering with the FBI and other Law Enforcement Agencies to perform stings on suspected Fencing Locations. They also become involved if an ETL is suspected of Internal theft.

o Investigations Team Leader (ITL)

o Investigations Group Assets Protection Team Leader (I-GAPTL)

-------Distribution Center (DC) Positions-------

o Distribution Center Assets Protection Tech (DC-AP Tech)

o Distribution Center Assets Protection Analyst (DC AP Analyst)o Assets Protection Group Leader (APGL)

o Market Assets Protection Group Leader (MAPGL)

o Distribution Center Group Assets Protection Team Leader (DC-GAPTL)


o Segway-
Reserved for high Security Index stores, the Segway is a two-wheeled electric vehicle.

o T3-
Reserved for high Security Index stores, the T3 is the three wheeled successor to the Segway.


o Analog, Loronix-
Analog Cameras running into one or more Multiplexes. Video is recorded onto VHS. If the store has Loronix, they have the added ability to connect some cameras into a PC. The Loronix software then makes playback possible, and even ties into Transaction Information.

o Target Digital Video (TDV)o Target Video Solutions (TVS)-
TVS is the current model for all new and remodeled stores. All video is stored on a local server, and all cameras can be accessed by the IC. The Genetec software allows for searches based on transaction information, motion, and time frame.

o Digital Video Storage (DVS)-
A recently rolled out pilot, currently being tested by several districts. DVS allows TVS and Loronix video to be uploaded directly to the IC.

o Common Investigation Management System (CIMS)-
Pronounced “sims”, this is the now defunct software for entering information regarding ongoing cases.

o Common Incident Reporting System (CIRS)-
Pronounced “sears”, this is the now defunct software for entering information about an incident.

o Target Case Management (TCM)-
This is the recently rolled out replacement to CIMS, CIRS, and IC's Sharepoint systems. TCM gives AP teams the ability to store all case information in one centralized location.

-------Common Terms-------

o Intelligence Led-
Intelligence Led is the most important term in the AP dictionary. It has no single definition, but ultimately implies all of the following:

We are pulling QUALITY externals. This means we need to focus on our average recovered amount per case.

We are gathering information from all resources (PITL, Empty Packages, Count Updates, Market / Company Trends, LE Information) and acting on it.
Can you speak to every action you take? Why did you move this camera? Why did you stop this person? etc.

Are you communicating this information to Investigations?
"Collect, Analyze, Action"

o Theft-
Theft is the loss of merchandise or property by either guest (External) or team member (Internal). There are two main types of External Theft. First is opportunistic, where a person takes an item simply because an opportunity was there. They are usually, but not always, amateur shoplifters. The second are boosters, where a person (or persons) takes expensive or high demand products as a source of income.

o Fraud-
Fraud is the use of a counterfeit or stolen form of payment, or a form of payment with insufficient funds. Like Theft, this can be either Internal or External.

o Safe & Secure-
Safe & Secure and Security Incidents are NOT the same as Safety. Security implies an overall feeling of being safe. Are all areas well lit? Do Team Members enter and leave as a group?

o Physical Security-
This term encompasses Key Control, Alarms, and Burglary or Robbery Prevention and Response.

o Security Index-
The Security Index grades a store based on how many Security Incidents occur, the surrounding area, the repetition of incidents, and the type of incidents that occur (severity).

o Merchandise Protection-
This is a blanket term applying to all Merchandise Protection methods, including but not limited to: Spider-Wraps, EAS Tags, Blu-Ray, DVD, and Video Game Keepers, CD Sleeves, and Bottle Security Wraps. The Logistics team is responsible for the application of all security devices.

o Branding-
The term “Branding” refers to the application of small Bullseye stickers to certain products. These stickers are difficult to remove, and help to identify Target Merchandise.

o Shortage Indicator-
The Shortage Indicator is a monthly report that grades the store's shortage potential using the following categories: Receiving (Orders not Rec'd), POS (Unidentified Sales (999)), Instocks (Research), Price Accuracy (Final and Salvage Markdown), Flow (Baffle %), and Reverse Logistics (Vendor Credits, CRC Aging, and CRC Error). While previous versions of the Shortage Indicator graded stores on their position within the company, the current version grades a store on itself, similar to DTK metrics.

o Directives-
The Assets Protection bible. The Directives state, clearly, what an Assets Protection Team Member can and cannot do. Failure to abide by the Directives usually results in a Final Warning.

o Non-Violent Intervention (NVI)-
NVI has two sections: Verbal De-Escalation, and Non-Violent Physical Intervention. All ETLs and GSTLs should take the Verbal De-Escalation course. AP Team Members are the only ones permitted to take the Physical portion.

o Target & Blue-
A program to encourage partnership between Target and Law Enforcement. This includes offering Grants, donating equipment, building sub-stations, and other opportunities for LE.

o National Night Out (NNO)-
Annual family event that takes place in August, to showcase Target's long-standing partnership with Law Enforcement. The events differ from location to location.


o Perpetual Inventory Tracking Log (PITL)-
A daily routine that involves physically counting high theft and current trend items. Theses item vary from location to location.

o Count Updates-
Similar to the new Drastic Count Change report, the Count Update report lists the top research items for the selected date range. AP Teams should audit this at least once a week to verify the correct counts were entered, and identify potential trends, or even Internals.

o Empty Package Tracking-
Still not officially released, this report should theoretically list items scanned in the system as being “Empty Packages”.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Something else FYI:

When you finish looking at this site you might want to take a look at one called Job Vent. There are reviews of many firms, written by both employees and customers.

The one for Target has 18 reviews, 16 negative and 2 positive. You might want to put in your own opinions at:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Rodent Infestation Closes Target Store

Dead Rodents, Chewed Bags Found In Store
April 2, 2009

PIKESVILLE, Md. -- The Target store on Reisterstown Road in Pikesville has been closed until further notice because of a rodent problem. The Maryland Department of Environmental Protection shut down the store because it was infested with mice and other rodents. Baltimore County officials said the store had a problem at its snack bar in February, but it has since spread to the entire store.

Customers told 11 News they tried to shop at the store, but a manager was there all day Thursday to turn them away with no clear reason as to why the store was closed.

Customers were turned away from the Target in Pikesville due to a rodent problem. Some said they were told the store was doing maintenance. One woman told 11 News the store told her it was a water main problem. "This is really very strange," said customer Judy Schwartz.

Jonas Jacobson, of the Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management, said his office got an anonymous complaint at the end of March.

"We went out and found a much larger mouse infestation problem through the store," he said. Jacobson said rodent carcasses and feces were strewn throughout the store. He said pet food bags and human food containers were also chewed open.

Store managers wouldn't answer 11 News' questions Thursday, but the store's corporate office confirmed the problem. "We are working to clean up the store to prevent future problems and will work with Baltimore County to remedy the situation." - Target Corp.

"We acknowledge this is unacceptable. We are working to clean up the store to prevent future problems and will work with Baltimore County to remedy the situation," the corporation said in a statement.

The county said Target has taken many steps to rid the store of the problem, including setting traps, using pesticides and doing a wall-to-wall cleaning of the store.

"They're going to be submitting an integrated pest management plan, so they're taking action to eliminate the problem, and as soon as we're satisfied the problem has been dealt with, they will be allowed to reopen," Jacobson said.

Store officials said they're hoping to reopen late Friday, but county officials said it may take until next week to clean up the problem.